Wednesday, 31 July 2013


I decided I would follow the boy to his class with Talnad Sot. While I was not impressed by the Grazian academic and his myopic world view, I was fascinated by the package which the boy had given him. I took the guise of a messenger boy carrying a package for the High Mage to gain access to the palace. Once there, I became a serving page, circumnavigating any questions about who I was, or what I was doing there. A quick change into a house guardsman got me through the courtyard, where I took position near a stone gameboard. Pieces had been laid out in preparation for Patient Sail’s instruction. It was some regional strategy game, mimicking the movements of various units on the battlefield.

Talnad Sot arrived in a huff, pulling at the sleeves of his robes in frustration. Some imagined slight to his honour had him in a fit of consternation. He immediately set out an hour glass and began counting how late Sail would be. The scholar puffed and paced for a quarter of an hour before his pupil arrived. He had a stringed instrument strapped to his back, and he smelt of the sea. He beamed before his teacher, “Good morning, Master Sot!” he waved.

“Good afternoon is more like it! Where were you, Sail?”

“Just taking in the sunrise from my little perch. Sorry to keep you waiting.”

“Any other son in this entire empire would have long lost the privilege of my tutelage, Patient Sail. Be glad you’re a prince.”

Patient Sail shrugged and smiled at his teacher, “Shall we play, Master?”

“I’d rather you started by addressing your mysterious package for me, Patient Sail. I have waited a full season for your ruse or scheme to come to fruition. Let us be done with it first so you may focus on your lessons.” He said.

“Master, please. The package has waited this long, and I so enjoy our games.”

“You never win, Patient Sail.”

“Is that what I was supposed to do?” He flashed a toothy grin and sat down at the table. Talnad Sot gave an exasperated sigh and sat down opposite his charge. He gestured to Sail to make the first move. The boy studied the board, and set his opening move.

“Same as always, Sail. At least you’re consistent in some regards.”

“There’s something comforting about the familiar, Master.”

Talnad scanned the board and moved a piece from his back row to the fore, “Easy to anticipate, Sail. You demonstrate such imagination as you pluck that thing on your back, but none for matters of real consequence. You are fortunate Ignatius will bear the weight of the crown.” Patient Sail smiled and placed his piece in response.

They traded moves back and forth for the next ten minutes in silence. I could see that Talnad Sot was confident in his position, pushing for a swift victory. His game was a rehearsed schedule of movements, mechanical and precise. Patient Sail was much more lackadaisical, in both his body language and his movements. He yawned and stared off. It seemed a foregone conclusion, to a casual observer, that the boy was going to lose the contest. But I was no casual observer. The boy had Sot’s pieces in traps which he chose not to spring. His posture, his breath, the gaze in his eye; each a piece of a carefully constructed mask. The boy was playing the game for aesthetic goals, not strategic ones.

As the pieces cleared the board and its game neared a close, Sail spoke, “Master, when Ignatius is crowned, I wish to go on a quest.”

The scholar looked down skeptically, “A quest? Why would you do that? You have all you need here, Sail.”

“There is much I must learn, and more that I must do. I can no longer hide in these walls, Master Sot.” He placed a piece and revealed to Sot the trap he’d laid. Talnad looked quizzically at the board, taken by surprise. He maneuvered out of the first stage of Sail’s endgame. I could tell the boy was playing his teacher to a different end now.

“You have not yet mastered many things here in Grazia, Patient Sail. Your royal cousin is much more advanced in scholarship and diplomacy. These are skills you  will require, should Grazia one day be your kingdom.”

The boy claimed Sot’s piece, revealing the second stage of his stratagem, “I need your consent to go. My father says I must be able to convince you of my worth. Master, if I win this game, will you tell him I can go?”

Sot harumphed at the notion. Patient Sail had left an opening for his key piece in play, a piece of bait which would deliver the game to him, should his teacher take it. I knew the academic would go for it. His victory here would be a victory over the thorn Sail’s education had been for him. “Very well.” He moved in on Sail’s final trap, and folded his arms in self-satisfaction.

The boy did not look up from the board as he made his move. He swept in to claim the threatening piece, and subsequently trap Talnad Sot’s side. The scholar blinked dumbly at the board. Sail simply stood up and bowed, “Thank you for your teachings, Master. I know it did not look like it, but I was paying attention. The package is a gift. Good bye.” He walked through the courtyard and back into the palace.

I watched Sot unwrap the package, disbelief painted in obvious strokes across his face. The package had several ledgers in them; complete estimates of supplies and materials for the entire Grazian military for three months. The ledgers were immaculately written and clearly meticulously calculated. Sot reached into a bag and produced his weekly reports. He flipped through the pages and found one to compare. The numbers must have been accurate, because Talnad Sot turned to watch the boy enter the palace. His jaw was slack in shock. I am glad that I was there to bear witness to the game. It would have been a shame if no one ever told this story.

Monday, 29 July 2013

Journal Entry

I knew it would be an interesting time to arrive in the Heart of Fortune. The immanent demise of a king is always a time of change and uncertainty, but these Grazians seem to be weathering it well. There’s great anticipation around the rise of Ignatius, the Crown Prince, to the throne. Though the Grazian Empire has an inflated sense of itself, this seems born out of ignorance of the distant corners of creation, and not arrogance. They assume that Ignatius will inherit a massive task, but there are bigger, less organized empires in this world which would present a much more daunting prospect.

I have been able to move through the city with relative ease. I’ve not had to call upon my gifts much to perpetrate my little rouses here. The mundane measures I’ve acquire have held up well. There are many tools in my disguise kit which are completely unknown here. All for the better, given the clandestine nature of my inquiry here. I would not go so far as to claim the Grazian are an easily deceived people, but they choose the see the best around them. Good for them that they should see through such rose-colored shades. It is not my intent to offend, but they are so well pacified by the wealth they harvest that they are far less suspicious of intentions than they might otherwise be. I hope they do not wake one day to find that faith abused and their lives ruined.

What I’ve observed of the Grazian military seems appropriate for the empire it oversees. Though I’ve not done an in-depth investigation, Grazian arms seem mostly mundane, with back up from mage cadres installed into some battalions. Their High Mage, a wielder of ice and cold, impressed me as powerful enough to deserve the title, though he appears to have done little to advance the development of magical talents in the city. Perhaps the Seabreaker kings see magic as a potential threat, and so do little to foster its development. Their conventional units appear well-drilled. If the master-at-arms who oversees Ignatius’ swordsmanship is an indication, Grazian soldiers are professionally trained and competent on their own. Ignatius may even have talent sufficient to graduate from our introductory program, where he one of our people.

As much fun as it has been to lackadaisically gather information, I believe it has come time to focus my research more intensely on the boy Patient Sail. He appears to be a candidate, and I must say that I approve of his mystique. It seems the boy knows that he does not truly belong among the mortal and mundane world of the Grazian empire and its trading wealth. His tutors are disappointed with his apparent lack of discipline for academics. He is dismissed as lacking the spark for leadership. He prefers to experience the world rather than to drive an agenda. I believe he is simply waiting for the right moment. I do not know what game he plays, but I can tell he is toying with his teachers and supervisors. There is a whimsy about his behavior. Many seem to feel this indicates that he lacks the seriousness required for rule. It is my hope that an emphasis on enjoyment will temper the boy’s relationship with power.

I suspect that I will have to apply my own gifts more strenuously, but it is time I began to observe the child more directly. I need to see just how his die has been cast.

Friday, 26 July 2013


It is imperative that young mages explore the world to test their might. One can study and practice all they like, but without experience, they will not have the fortitude for real conflict. It is a practice which the Seabreaker Kings have never really understood, but I appreciate King Sinal’s consent to the exercise. Grazian mages almost never quest beyond the borders of their realm. Little wonder then that the Heart of Fortune has never produced a true High Mage.

You find it chilly in here? My apologies. In my old age I often forget myself. It is so much easier to allow my ice to flow than it is to constrain it. It is time, I think, for younger hands to hold Grazia’s magical reigns. Sinal’s coming demise is a sign of that. I’ll not abandon the city, but it is best of Ignatius finds himself a new High Mage. If nothing else, it is best for a young king to establish his own administration. I’ll assist with the change, but I’m certain the realm will be in good hands with Ignatius.

Been talking with Dim, have you? He’s always too eager to show what he knows. Perhaps I’d be the same if I had his intellect. Yes, Patient Sail is an adept, though it is impolite to speak about someone in these matters. Better to speak with the young man himself, though the trick in that may be catching him! He is ever off to some new excitement.

I spoke with his father about his talents once. I thought the boy might benefit from training with the mage corps. But I was told that such things were not for the Royal Family, and that his education was well in hand. That the child is not already a hero of the city leaves me wondering if his abilities are not being wasted. Still, I suppose there is some plan at work for him. As high-born as he is, he’ll never escape the machinations of politics.

But still, just imagine the quest that boy might undertake, the story his life might make. It could be glorious.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013


Ah, yes, good to see you once again! I do so appreciate both your service and your company. My studies prevent me from attending to these chores. Kingdoms often wait in the balance of my work, as you know. Well, not my work alone, but you've seen how my peers come to me for consultation. Yes, well, fine, perhaps I should be a tad more humble about it, but I've every reason to be proud of my accomplishments.

My work of late goes well, and thank you for inquiring. A friend of mine has asked me to craft a hypothesis on the long-term effects from repeated force-healed with the Ragatha domain. I do hope he hasn't gotten himself into trouble. He has been known to, experiment, in the past.

Sadly, the King’s condition deteriorates rapidly, and there is nothing I can do to stop it. Men grow old and die. This is true even for the greatest of wizards. But I understand Ignatius to be a dutiful, intelligent, and thoughtful boy. He has been raised to be king, and so he shall. Not that that makes him the best or most interesting child of his generation.

Interesting? Yes, I suppose I did tease you with that. Well, Ignatius’ cousin is an intriguing young man. I’ve not really gotten to know him well. I've really only seen him while entertaining for the court. But even there, you can see how aloof and distracted he is. That’s his reputation, at least. But I know better.

The boy hides in plain sight, and he’s done so with appalling ease for one so young. There are things which he cannot hide though, things which not everyone can see. But, if you’re gifted with magic, and if you look closely, you will see the spark he holds inside. He’s an adept of Salsae. They are born, seemingly at random, with magic inside them. That magic can be channeled through the host’s body, making them stronger, faster, more agile, and even more resilient than mortal men. But only I, Dim, the simple house mage and scholar, seem to have noticed.

Oh, damn you cunning little bastard! I should not have told you of Patient Sail’s power. It is at least impolite to out him so. Please, forgive the vanity upon which you so deftly played. Keep Sail’s secret. It is not yours to reveal.

Monday, 22 July 2013


Nine more sets, Sire! Yes, of course the Kings of Grazia are trained in several disciplines, but none hold an honor higher than the sword. In the legends of old, Cansod declared the sword to be the highest expression of steel’s potential. It is the mechanism through with man and mineral may join, a conduit for the power of earth. Through the sword, a man may carry the weight of a mountain. The King is expect to command, so he is expected to carry the greatest weight. Each of the Seabreaker kings has been a master swordsman, and so long as Ignatius continues his studies, I am confident that he will achieve this distinction. It is already difficult to find opponents willing to spar with him.

His cousin? Sail is, well, different. He has none of the discipline of his cousin, and has refused to spar for a little over a year now. His father, the Admiral-General, has approved this position. Before that, he had shown adequate development, but nothing spectacular.

I cannot say for certain why such a reprieve from a traditional obligation has been granted. It sets a dangerous precedent, I think. Make one exception and soon enough it becomes the standard. So goes the unrelenting march of mediocrity.

No, no, Patient Sail is not mediocre, just, not engaged. When I’d have the royal cousins spar, well Ignatius would always win, but there was something hesitant about Patient Sail. He’d drop a shoulder, or slip a wrist sometimes. Little tells which looked like a lack of discipline, but I wonder. Maybe Patient Sail sees openings which even I do not, but he chooses not to exploit them.

I must be imagining things though. The boy has an air of mystery about him, which promotes the imagination. He’s allowed to run off at times and disappear for days on end. He sits out in that ridiculous boat for hours and hours at a time. Who knows why it’s allowed, but the boy is noble so it’s not my place to discipline him. It’s my place to drill.

Friday, 19 July 2013


You know they don’t realize it. They think we’re all one people, one race, one shared history. They forget they were conquered. They forget that the kings came from the sea and broke the walls of this place. And they forget that the kings did not come alone. My father remembers. He remembers because his father did, as did his father’s father. The Graves came with the Seabreakers. We remember the North. We remember Cansod.

Our god sent us forth, commanded us to move from the steppes to the seas, to build ships and use the power he had gifted us with. So we did as he commanded, because steel is power, and power needs to be used. To use that power, we had to master the seas. Brine needed to fill our veins and our hearts be made of salt. For our efforts, Grazia. The empire. Glory.

You’d be foolish to think that the kings rest on the laurels of their fathers. The old skills must be known, because the earth can move, and Cansod may one day call us home. The king must lead, and so, the king must sail. It has been my father’s honour to see to it that Ignatius has the proper nautical education. I have only rarely spoken with the prince, but I have often watched as my father set him to tying knots or folding sails. He did not complain as his hands grew callus. He kept grace while mopping decks. He shows humility before the enormity of the ocean. We can be proud of Ignatius, the good Crown Prince. Sad though it is that his father will soon pass; his reign has been a blessing upon the city, Ignatius carries the promise of providence for the Heart of Fortune. You see him there, coiling that rope with care? Ever dutiful, ever mindful. A good king.

Ah, you hear those strained chords across the waves? You have a good ear, friend. That comes from the tiny vessel out there. In the distance, with that ridiculously oversized mast. Yes, the bobbing little thing there. That’s the other Seabreaker, Patient Sail, doing what he loves most. Yes, Ignatius has been dutiful, but Sail was born to the sea. He has instincts for it the like of which I’ve never seen. By the age of seven, Sail was rigging his own vessel and cruising the coast on his own. He’s played with the rigging on his boat since then, but only he knows what he’s trying to accomplish. He put up that mast that’s as tall as his ship is long, and then built a crow’s nest on it. He sneaks out from the palace and sets out at the oddest hours. He’ll push out past the seawall, and crawl up his mast with a guitar. He sits out there on the waves, plucking the strings in time with the bobbing of the waves. He’s different, that’s certain.

It’s good that Ignatius will be king. He will make a fine regent for this empire. But if Cansod does call us back, if we were to return North, I don’t doubt it would be Patient Sail who’d lead us.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013


I don’t know why you keep going on about Patient Sail, Tara. He’s so silly and immature! Not at all like his cousin. Not only is Ignatius smart and strong and, well, beautiful, but he’s going to be king!

Well, yes I know that Sail is part of the royal family too, but that’s as far as it will go, won’t it? I mean, Ignatius will be crowned any day, and who could possibly doubt that his rule will last at least a hundred years? All the empire will benefit from his grace and kindness, I’m certain of that.

Tara! You can’t say such things about the Crowned Prince! He’s so regal and debonair; how could possibly imagine such a debauched thing? No, I’m not imagining that at all! Have you been sneaking down the Fiddler’s Den? Where could you possibly pick up such atrocious notions? Your father must be so embarrassed by you! What do your maidens think?

You might be able to be glib about such an unromantic version of a man and a woman, but I hold myself to a higher standard. A nobler one.

And what would be wrong with that? I mean, certainly Ignatius will be presented with many would-be brides. He’ll have to consolidate his political alliances, to say nothing of the heir he must have as king. He’ll have to choose a wife. Why not a lady of house Hassot? We are high born, well-bred and raised, with the sort of worldview one needs to lead effectively.

I guess you’re right. Very well, you can have your affections for that addle-minded cousin of Ignatius’. Means one less bitch I’ll have to step over on my way to becoming queen.

Monday, 15 July 2013

Piscara Finds His Target

The wind always blows for the patient sail. An ancient saying of the Seabreaker clan, it reminded the conquerors that the wheel of fortune turns for all. So while it was unusual for Grazia, Patient Sail was a traditional name for his people. He was born to the second son of King Raezar, a nobleman who should never see the crown. In that same week, his cousin, Ignatius, was born. And though Ignatius was to be king, the fact never came between them. And I had the pleasure of knowing this first-hand. I am Talnad Sot, and I was tasked with the Grazian education of the Seabreaker lordlings.

Now, I was glad in those days for the brotherhood Ignatius and Sail shared, for their adventures together helped shape Ignatius into the noble-hearted crown-prince he is today. But, it is of some concern to me that perhaps Ignatius will place too much of a burden upon Sail. It saddens me to say that he is simply not that bright. He is a distracted boy, and never alights upon the point of my teachings. He does not prepare for his classes, nor does he review. While Ignatius double-checks his calculations, Sail is already off and running to some wild adventure.

It’s not that I don’t care for the boy. He is far too likeable for animosity. It is my great regret that he did not have the spark which Ignatius has shown. I wish I had been able to inspire him more, or to affect his life more profoundly. He thinks all this is a game, and he does not care for its rules. He should have been an entertainer, the way he parades and capers and dreams. At the beginning of the season, he handed me a sealed envelope. Today’s date is written across it, so I expect to find the culmination of his joke before the sun sets. Probably some sordid powder to sting the senses. A jester he is.

But, my personal loss is Grazia’s gain. Ignatius will make a fine king, and his time comes soon. His father is in his dying days, and the empire is sad to see his chapter close. Though the prince is understandably melancholy, his people are confident that he will continue the legacy of prosperity.
Thank you, stranger, for indulging my rambling thoughts. I am not so young as I once was, and the paths of conversation seem to grow ever more obfuscated with time. But I really must be going now. I have a class to teach.